Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Eric Navickas presents his "Annunciation Triptych" this up coming first Friday September 4th, 2009 from 5-9pm at the MAda Shell Gallery in Ashland Oregon. Navickas's work is informed by such artists as Robert Campin, Marcel Duchamp and Eduard Manet, and also delivers a post-modern punch to ideas about art, culture and aesthetics.

Please join us
5-9 9/4/09
MAda Shell Gallery on the plaza

Out of respect for the young viewer we do not encourage you to bring children.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Postcard show from the darkest night

MAda Shell Gallery of Ashland and Betsy Lewis Art Event Productions are seeking postcard size art for a 2009 September/October gallery exhibition and a November online art show with the theme "The Dark Night of the Soul" and its transformative gifts. Mail postcards to MAda Shell GAllery 27 1/2 #7 Main Street Ashland Oregon 97520 Deadline is September 18th. Work may be submitted anonymously, or artists can provide their name and website/contact information to be exhibited with the work. For confirmation of receipt - include email address. Contact Betsy Lewis at: or call: (541) 890-1453.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

MAda Shell Gallery now open Every Friday 5-9 pm

Long live the Vanguard in Ashland Oregon!

This is not the place to “be seen” but rather a place to see and do. Every Friday we are open from 5pm -9pm with art, and ideas for you (the people) to witness for yourself.


CAtie Faryl “Looking Through the Glass Greenly” : Prints and paintings and a green conversations.

September First Friday

Opening 5-9pm…Eric Navickas “Annunciation”

September Last Friday

“Dark Night of the Soul ” Post card show (up though September)

Send Postcards to

MAda Shell Gallery

27 1/2 #7 E main

Ashland Oregon 97520

Friday, July 24, 2009

PRESS RELEASE "Through a Glass, Darkly" Last Friday July 31st 5-9

The public is invited to an art show which reports on the Green Movement and tries to see
where we are and what is ahead. Using the phrase "Through a Glass, Darkly" artist and writer Catie Faryl has created images vaguely coming into focus about the future. Every Friday night from 5 to 9 pm, July 31. Aug.7, Aug. 14 and Aug 21, there will be a reception at Mada Shell Gallery, 27 1/2 on the Plaza, above American Trails.

Catie Faryl is a well known West Coast artist who recently advanced the idea of a Sustainability Support Center for cottage industry, jobs, agricultural and environmental support, complimentary currency systems and a home for the Sustainability Alliance comprised of green non-profits, businesses, and supportive citizens.

At 7 pm each Friday evening Catie will offer a question and answer session to talk about the artwork and give an overview of energy descent plans, the need to address peak oil, peak soil, peak water and why it is important. For additional information on the proposed Sustainability Center or for private art viewing appointment or consultation please contact Catie Faryl at 535-1854 or

If you would like Catie Faryl to present art and information about the Green Revolution, her art about ecology, or other topics for your group, please contact her. Tune in to her radio show "Mother Nature Says Clean Up Your Room" airing every Thursday at 1 pm on 94.9 FM or listen on line at of the archived interviews with environmental experts

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The peoples art gallery

I love having art openings at the MAda Shell. There is a certain camaraderie that I feel with the folks who are brave enough to A. show their art work and B. climb up the stairs of this old building to view the type of work that goes far beyond what you usually see in Ashland Galleries. The MAda Shell is the People's Art Gallery ! You don't need to be an insider, or and outsider for that matter. You just need to be!

Kurt Mottram

Carol Young & Joseph Crowell

Catie Faryl

Austin Maloney

Andrea Johnson

Inside the Show @ the MAda Shell

Megumi Kaizu, Amy Godard
Aline Bisset

Friday, May 22, 2009

"room for artists" show opens May 29th !

MAda Shell Gallery Presents
"A Room for Artists":
Self Portraits Show

The MAda Shell Gallery located on the plaza in Ashland Oregon, is hosting a group art exhibit entitled "A Room for Artists" showing May 29th - June 23rd 2009. The show features 12 self reflective portraits done by local artists Jonathan Davis, Luke Mastny, Aline Bisset, Austin Maloney, Amy C. Godard, Eric Navickas, Catie Faryl, Kurt Mottram, Samar Dawisha, Andrea Johnson, Austin Van Campen and Joseph Crowell. Opening reception is Last Friday May 29th 6-9 p.m. and continues First Friday June 5th 5-8 p.m. So please come join us on the plaza at 27 1/2 Main #7 above American trails, across the hall from Denizen TV.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Saturday, April 25, 2009

MAndy on the Streets posted this on the web... and it eventually made its way onto the Bill O'Reilly Show. HAA!
Click it..