Sunday, February 28, 2010

MAda Shell Gallery in Ashland Oregon Opens "Closet Door" March 5th 2010

MAda Shell Gallery Exposes Friday March 5th from 5-9pm

MAda Shell Gallery invites you to "Closet Door", March 5th 2010 from 5-9. "Closet Door" explores concepts in minimal and conceptual art and invites viewers to a more phenomenological view towards art. Entertainment begins around 6:00pm with Spirit Load.

MAda Shell Gallery is located upstairs on the plaza in Ashland Or. at 27 1/2 E. Main #7
See you at the MAda Shell!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Photos from the "The Nude" at the MAda Shell Gallery

Artists Amy Godard, Ryan Navicaks, Abby Lazerow, Azade Erhun
Eric Navickas in front of his art piece "Nude Ascending staircase"
Cynthia Gott

Catie FarylCatie Faryl
Sophia's Incorruptable Body by Anya Kumara
Eric NAvicaks & Channel 10 news
Brad Carrier delivering his sermon
Amy Godard with friends!
Brave new gallery owners Under the robes reveal man form in Gods image
Artist Abby Lazerow

work by Amy Godard

Here is the newslink

You Tube Video too

Poster Art

Eric Navickas and Amy Godard working hard in their downtown art gallery in Ashland Oregon